NAV Online invoice SAP plugin
E-invoicing (RTIR) made easy!
Save money with the perfect solution for your SAP system
NAV (RTIR) Version 3.0 is live since 1.January 2021!
What is Online Invoice (RTIR)?
All invoices issued in Hungary must be automatically reported to the Hungarian tax authorities (NAV) online and immediately as an XML file.
What is new in 3.0?
- Private person customers must also be included in the reporting -> their data must be only reported in an anonymized way
- This means that the complete scope of Hungarian domestic invoices will be seen real-time by NAV
- Invoices issued to foreign customers (EU and third countries) must also be reported
- New XSD 3.0 reporting structure
- Go-live on 01.01.2021, grace period until 31.03.2021
What was new in 2.0?
Technical changes
- New encryption algorithm SHA3-512. This is not supported by standard SAP, was developed in ABAP by SystemFox
- Content schema changes (new fields; field mandatory property changes; field length changes)
- API XSD operations changes (new operations; renaming operations)
- NAV test server is already available for testing; the 2.0 format will be accepted by the NAV productive server as of March 2020 and will be mandatory as of 1. April 2020 => postponed to 1. July 2020
Content changes
These changes may effect your SAP master/flow data maintenance
- Small taxpayer indicator
- Periodic settlement indicator
- Product/Service nature indicator
- Re-designed "modifying invoice" reporting
- The 100.000 HUF limit will be lowered to 0 in B2B relations
Related reporting obligations
- NAV 65M sheet: VAT line item reporting value lowered to 0 HUF as of 01.07.2020
- NAV 60A sheet: Sales and purchasing in the EU
- ANAF (Romania) eFactura SAP plugin
Out of the box solution
Multilingual support desk
Long term support & upgrades
- Automatic invoice checking & submission to NAV
- Management cockpit for invoice status – at one glance
- Automatic notifications in case of errors or malfunction
- Pure ABAP, direct communication with NAV, no middleware necessary
- Optional SCPI/Cloud connection possibility
- Electronic invoices (PDF) also supported
- Straightforward pricing – no hidden costs
- Long term support & updates
- NAV version changes are covered by the support fee

The customizing options of the data collection level make our solution uniquely flexible and enable it to meet individual customer requirements.

Sándor Róka

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