BookingBot SAP plugin
Automatic incoming invoice parking
Reduce the data capturing effort of your accountant colleagues
Let your accountants capture all invoice data in SAP
... or check what our BookingBot can offer you!
All outgoing invoices in Hungary must be automatically and immediately reported to the Hungarian tax authorities (NAV) online as an XML file.
This has the consequence that NAV has the details of your vendor invoices way faster than you do, especially if the invoice is posted instead of mailed.
Furthermore these invoice data are available digitally at NAV and you as the customer on the invoice can download them -> so why capturing them manually based on the paper invoice?
The Past
Our NAV Online Invoice and TaxControl (VAT) modules were already capable of downloading the Hungarian vendor invoices from NAV and matching them with the FI booking documents in your system (that were captured manually by your accountants).
The Present
The BookingBot can itself capture the Hungarian invoice data in a parked document. It will check historical data and a ruleset for the correct account determination and account assignment. Your accountant has to check the parked invoices and do corrections or add data (reporting-optional data are not included in the NAV file, but can be seen on the paper invoice).
The Future
The journey for our Bot has just begun, with several ongoing developments. We are glad to give you insight during a product presentation.
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